It’s not uncommon that a neighbour has gone ahead or is about to commence building works that fall under the party wall legislation without following the correct procedures.
In fact, we get a few calls a week from adjoining owners whose neighbours are beginning to carry out qualifying works that qualify under the act without serving the required notices legally required by the Party Wall Act 1996.
Do these distinct types of notifiable works affect you, the adjoining owner:
If the building owner or neighbour is ignoring the Party Wall Act, how you should react and respond will depend on how far the building works have progressed. Let’s break down the following scenarios:
“Once building work begins, your neighbour has a duty under the Party Wall Act to avoid causing you unnecessary inconvenience, to protect your property from harm caused by the works, and to fix or pay for any damage that is caused.” Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors
Party Wall Notices must be served 1-2 months before work is due to commence (depending on which section of the Party Wall Act applies). If you’ve noticed scaffolding going up next door, your neighbour is already breaking up the patio to prepare for an extension, and you’ve received no formal Party Wall Notice, it’s time to take action.
What not to do:
Unfortunately, there are no personalities for failing to serve notices, and the only thing adjoining owners can do is apply to the court for an interim injunction.
Under the Act, work cannot be notified retrospectively, but if some of the work has been completed, a notice can still be served to cover the remainder.
If the building owner has opted not to serve notice because they think they can get away with it, a stern letting from a party wall surveyor can explain that they are acting unlawfully and encourage them to halt work and do the right thing.
While it’s not ideal, it is better to notify some of the works than none, and owners can agree to treat the works undertaken as unlawful. If we’re appointed at this stage, we can assist with drawing up an agreement for the building owners to sign. Call us on 01932 864375 to discuss.
A UK-based legal advice service survey found that 30% of all legal inquiries related to residential property disputes involve issues with party walls.
Injunctions to stop notifiable works are timely and costly, and you risk the works being completed in the time it takes for the courts or a solicitor to respond. For example, while a loft conversion can take up to 8 weeks to be finished, the part of the works that are covered under the Act might actually only take a day.
But don’t think they are off the hook if the building owner has completed works without serving notice.
Under common law, they still have a duty of care to pay damages and compensation.
The courts might take a dim view of building owners who proceed with building works without serving notice, following the correct protocols and processes, and, in the process, causing damage to a neighbour’s property. For example, read this case – Roadrunner Properties Ltd v Dean.
Only a small percentage of party wall disputes escalate to the courts. According to some estimates, less than 1% of all party wall issues result in court cases. Most are resolved through negotiation or with the help of a surveyor.
If you find yourself in this situation, it’s best to acquire a report from a surveyor that summarises the damage caused by the works and sets out where the building owner has failed to comply with the Act’s procedures.
A copy of the report is sent to the building owner as part of your claim and is used to further support legal proceedings.
As members of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors, we offer a free, no obligation, 15-minute consultation to advise on the Party Wall etc Act (1996) and talk you through the process.
Similarly, we’re available to discuss any other property-related query you may have.
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