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Your Questions Answered

Can my neighbour build an extension without a party wall agreement?

If your neighbour has built an extension and you share a party wall, boundary, fence or structure, then you should have legally been served a party wall agreement.

If your neighbour has commenced works without serving notice, perhaps because they are unaware of their obligations, it’s best to begin by sending them a friendly letter from an experienced surveyor, who can help resolve the situation. At the same time, keep any records of the parts of your property that might be at risk from any proposed works just in case anything goes wrong.

Your Wall Or Mine?

“Who’s wall it is,” is the most common question any Party Wall Surveyor is asked. Normally property owners think about their property in terms of the legal boundary. Party Wall law works differently.


Party Wall Disputes Resources For Surrey. List of blogs, guides, and links for help and advice on all property law matters, including the Party Wall Act.


Can my Neighbour knock down a party wall?

Neighbours will need to get consent and serve a party wall notice for cutting into, altering, rebuilding or knocking down a party wall. 

Neighbours will not have to inform you of minor works like plastering, erecting shelves or replacing wiring. However, you should seek consent to paint a wall that lies on the boundary line.

Can I attach anything to my Neighbours wall?

The fence might be owned by your neighbour if it’s situated on their property line, which means you’ll need their permission before attaching anything to the wall.

Adjoining owners can either consent to the works or refuse the party wall agreement. When a neighbour dissents to your party wall agreement, they are then responsible for issuing a counter-notice, where they request to changes to the plans. Surveyors at this point might be necessary to invoke a party wall award.

Learn more:

Can my neighbour build right to my boundary?

If any one of the neighbours would like to build up to boundary line, they will require written permission from the other party. You cannot move or make alterations to anything near the boundary line without consulting the neighbour or reaching a formal party wall award.

How close to a neighbour’s boundary can I build?

You can build up to 50mm from the neighbouring boundary with planning permission.

Unfortunately, there are no penalties for building owners who fail to serve a party wall notice, so if your neighbour has already commenced work, the only thing you can do is apply to the courts for an interim injunction preventing them from carrying on with the works.

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See our free Party Wall Resource page for useful websites and suppliers to save you time and money.
